Lower Wolgan Valley - Page 1
All photographs © David Noble. No image can be used for any
purpose without permission.

Above - Gordon Thompson on the end of Daniels Ridge above Rocky Creek

Above - Looking into Rocky Creek Valley from Daniels Ridge

Above - The slot of heart Attack Canyon from Daniels Ridge

Above - Keith Maxwell abseiling into Heart Attack Canyon

Above - Abseil into Heart Attack Canyon

Above - Abseil into Heart Attack Canyon

Above - Abseil into Heart Attack Canyon

Above - Abseil into Heart Attack Canyon

Above - Heart Attack Canyon

Above - Thunderstorm Canyon

Above - Surefire Canyon

Above - Surefire Canyon

Above - Surefire Canyon

Above - Surefire Canyon

Above - Surefire Canyon

Above - Surefire Canyon

Above - Surefire Canyon

Above - Cliffs above Annie Rowan Creek

Above - Tom Williams and Peter Vanamois on top of Combined Tactics
Pass, looking down into Annie Rowan Creek

Above - Annie Rowan Creek

Above - The Totem Pole - near the Wolgan River below Annie Rowan Creek

Above - The Totem Pole. More photos and information about the Totem
Pole can be found here
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