Wollangambe Wilderness - Page 3
All photographs © David Noble. No image can be used for any
purpose without permission.

Above - abseil in Short Creek Canyon

Above - natural arch - Bungleboori Creek south branch

Above - abseil in Four Dope Canyon

Above - Watergums (tristania)
in Bungleboori Creek north branch

Above - Bungleboori Creek north branch

Above - Bungleboori Creek north branch

Above - Bungleboori Creek north branch

Above - Bungleboori Creek north branch

Above - rock formations

Above - rock formations

Above - canyon in Bungleboori Creek north branch

Above - Hole in the Wall Canyon

Above - Hole in the Wall Canyon

Above - Col Gibson and Rod Costigan in Bungleboori Creek north branch

Above - Bungleboori Creek north branch

Above - Col Gibson and Rod Costigan in Bungleboori Creek north branch

Above - Flash flood in Bungleboori Creek north branch. It was a
fortunate decision to boil the billy again for a third cup of tea at
lunch that meant we were not downstream in a narrow constriction when
this storm hit. The creek went up several metres in a few minutes. It
was later on this trip that we found Froth and Bubble Canyon. The same
hailstorm had left the canyon walls coveed in froth and bubbles when we
came across it the next day.

Above - Fortitude Canyon

Above - abseil in Froth and Bubble Canyon

Above - Looking into Crikey Canyon. It had been discovered by a SUBW
party not long before by the group reaching the valley at this section.
Tony Norman looked down a hole and exclaimed "crikey, mother of god!"
The creek was far below in a deep canyon tunnel. Crikey is regarded as
the best of the Bungleboori tributary canyons.

Above - Crikey Canyon - looking downstream from the previous photo

Above - Gordon Thompson in Crikey Canyon

Above - Crikey Canyon
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- Wollangambe Creek and River
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Page 2 - Yarramun and Dumbano
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