Bola Creek - Fungi - 31 July 2019

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

On this trip I was accompanied by Digi Dave.

Above - Hygrophorus involutus

Above - Hygrocybe sp.

Above - Hygrocybe sp.

Above - Hygrophorus involutus

Above - Hygrophorus involutus

Above - Hygrophorus involutus

Above - Hygrophorus involutus

Above - Bactridium sp.

Above - Bactridium sp.

Above - Bactridium sp.

Above - Bactridium sp.

Above - Hygrocybe sp.

Above - Perhaps Tatraea macrospora

Above - Perhaps Tatraea macrospora

Above - Hygrocybe sp.

Above - Hygrocybe sp.

Above - Clavaria sp.

Above - Hypholoma fasciculare

Above - Hygrocybe collucera and Clavulinopsis corallinorosacea

Above - Hygrocybe collucera

Above - Hygrocybe sp.

Above - Hygrocybe collucera

Above - Hygrocybe collucera and Clavulinopsis corallinorosacea

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