Bola Creek - Fungi - 8 April 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections.
This was a trip with Digi Dave. It was raining when we arrived at
the Bola Creek carpark, so we headed up the road to have a look at
Toonoum Falls. It soon stopped raining, so we headed back and walked
down to Bola Creek. Not a real lot of fungi was out.

Above - Toonoum Falls

Above - Growing on a palm frond

Above - Very tiny, growing on wood. Perhaps Hemimycena sp

Above - Perhaps Hemimycena sp

Above - Postia sp

Above - Pluteus lutescens

Above - Omphalotus nidiformis

Above - Omphalotus nidiformis

Above - Perhaps Lactarius eucalypti

Above - Perhaps Lactarius eucalypti

Above - Perhaps Lactarius eucalypti

Above - Pluteus lutescens

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Mycena sp

Slime mould - Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa

Above - Marasmius elegans

Above - Boletellus emodensis

Above - Gymnopilus ferruginosus

Above - Gymnopilus ferruginosus

Above - Marasmius elegans

Above - This was a cup shaped fungus growing on dirt. The cup was
about 1 cm across. It had a small stipe. Perhaps Tarzetta

Above - Perhaps Tarzetta jafneospora
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