Coachwood Glen Fungi - Slime Moulds and a Rare Plant - 11 April
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections.
This was a field trip organised by the Sydney
Fungal Studies Group Inc.
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Above - Perhaps - Stictus radiata

Above - Scutellinia scutellata

Above - Scutellinia scutellata

Above - Puffballs - Morganella pupurascens

Above - Puffballs - Morganella pupurascens
and Lycoperdon pyriforme

Above - Tremella fuciformis

Above - Perhaps Postia ptychogaster or Postia subcaesia?

Above - Hygrocybe astatogala with a slime mould - Trichia
verricosa behind

Above - Coprinellis sp

Above - Hygrocybe astatogala

Above - Slime mould - Trichia verricosa

Above - Slime mould - Trichia verricosa

Above - Slime mould - Trichia verricosa

Above - Dead Mans Fingers - Xylaria polymorpha

Above - Dead Mans Fingers - Xylaria polymorpha

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Cantharellus sp

Above - ?

Above - Slime mould - Trichia verricosa

Above - Slime mould - Trichia verricosa

Above - Clavaria miniata

Above - Geastrum triplex

Above - Clavaria miniata

Above - Hygrocybe astatogala

Above - Clavaria amoena

Above - Microglossum viride

Above - Microglossum viride

Above - Entoloma sp

Above - Mycena interrupta

Above - ?

Above - Hygrocybe pseudograminicolor

Above - Mycena interrupta

Above - Mycena interrupta

Above - (later - back at Blackheath) - Cordyceps cranstounii and
also the host caterpillar
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