Ferndale Park Fungi - 4 August 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections.

Above - Swaines Creek at Ferndale Park

Above - Russula persanguinea

Above - Russula persanguinea

Above - Marasmius alveolaris

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp - the pink waxcap of Ferndale Park

Above - Hygrocybe sp - the pink waxcap of Ferndale Park

Above - Hygrocybe sp - the pink waxcap of Ferndale Park

Above - Hygrocybe sp - the pink waxcap of Ferndale Park

Above - Hygrocybe sp - the pink waxcap of Ferndale Park

Above - Hygrocybe sp - the pink waxcap of Ferndale Park

Above - Gliophorus viridis

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Greenhood Orchid

Above - I am not sure if this (and the next photo) are the pink
waxcap, in the early green form, or another species such as G
viridis. They are both very small.

Above - Hygrocybe sp - the pink waxcap of Ferndale Park

Above - Hygrocybe sp - the pink waxcap of Ferndale Park

Above - Hygrocybe sp - the pink waxcap of Ferndale Park

Above - Hygrocybe sp - the pink waxcap of Ferndale Park

Above - Clavulinopsis amoena

Above - A bit washed out, so hard to identify. I found tow of these
tiny cups - this one growing on dirt and another nearby going on
rock. Perhaps Aleurina ferruginea

Above - Gliophorus graminicolor

Above - Gliophorus viridis

Above - Gliophorus viridis

Above - Gliophorus viridis

Above - Gliophorus graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Gliophorus graminicolor

Above - Gliophorus graminicolor

Above - Descolea recedens

Above - Gliophorus graminicolor

Above - Perhaps Clavulina sp

Above - Hypholoma sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

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