Lane Cove National Park - Fungi - 14 July 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections. Thanks to Ray and
Elma Kearney for some help with the Hygrocybe identifications.
I started at Thornleigh Station and then walked to Thornleigh Oval
and down Lorna Pass and the main track of the Great North Walk,
which I followed to de Burgh Bridge and then I crossed the river and
walked along the Riverside Path to Porters Bridge and then to
Macquarie Park Station.

Above - Ramaria lorithamnus

Above - Rickenella setipes

Above - Old engraving - Lorna Pass. According to the STEP map of
Lane Cove Valley - it is a caricature of J (Bunny) Stevens, NSW
premier during the Great Depression, and engraved by workers
conscripted from the unemployed.

Above - Galerina sp

Above - Dermocybe austrovenetus

Above - Hygrocybe anomola var anomola

Above - Hygrocybe anomola var anomola

Above - Hygrocybe anomola var anomola

Above - Cortinarius sp

Above - Rickenella fibula

Above - Rickenella fibula

Above - Cortinarius rotundisporus

Above - Rickenella fibula

Above - Austropaxillus infundibuliformis

Above - Clavaria alboglobospora

Above - Clavaria alboglobospora

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Clavulinopsis corallinorosacea

Above - Greenhood orchid

Above - Clavulinopsis amoena

Above - Ramaria lorithamnus

Above - Greenhood orchid

Above - Drosera peltata

Above - Hygrocybe griseoramosa

Above - Hygrocybe griseoramosa

Above - Phelladon sp or Hydnellum sp?

Above - Phelladon sp or Hydnellum sp?

Above - Galerina sp

Above - Boronia sp

Above - Boronia sp

Above - Ramaria capitata

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe stevensoniae

Above - Flannel Flower - Actinotis minor

Above - Cortinarius rotundisporus

Above - Hygrocybe reesiae

Above - Hygrocybe reesiae

Above - Hygrocybe sp (Possibly a new species?)

Above - Hygrocybe sp (Possibly a new species?)

Above - Clavulinopsis sulcata

Above - Clavulinopsis sp

Above - Hygrocybe collucera

Above - Hygrocybe collucera

Above - Clavaria alboglobospora

Above - Geastrum triplex

Above - Ramaria lorithamnus
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