Lane Cove National Park - Fungi - 16 July 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections.
It had been a wet morning, so I waited until noon before starting
this walk. I started at Macquarie Park Station and then walked to
Lane Cove National Park and to Porters Creek Bridge. Then back up
via the Riverside Track to the Deburgh Bridge, over to the far side
and down the Great North Walk Track to Fullers Bridge. Then to
Chatswood Station via the Blue Gum Creek Track.
The first set of photos were taken close to Porters Creek, and then
along the Riverside Track (heading up the river)
Above - Hygrocybe sp This was the one I had observed two day
earlier. There were two of them. This one and the one below - which
was smaller.
Above - Hygrocybe sp
Above - Hygrocybe sp This is a lower view of the first one -
showing the gills
Above - Clavaria sp
Above - Hygrocybe sp - This one was very fresh and was close
to the two green ones
Above - Hygrocybe sp - a lower view of the same fungus
Above - Ramaria sp
Above - Hygrocybe austropretensis
Above - Ramaria sp
Above - Hydnum repandum
The remainder of the photos were taken on the east side of the Lane
Cove River - in one location, a patch of rainforest very close to
the river, not far upstream from Fiddens Wharf Oval.
Above - Oudemansiella gigaspora
Above - Clavulinopsis sulcata
Above - Hygrocybe erythrocala
Above - Hygrocybe erythrocala - a lower view of the
one above
Above - Hygrocybe erythrocala
Above - Hygrocybe collucera
Above - Hygrocybe anomola var anomola
Above - Hygrocybe anomola var anomola - a higher view of
the one above
Above - Trichoglossum hirsutum
Above - Hygrocybe anomola var ianthinmarginata
Above - Hygrocybe anomola var ianthinmarginata
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