Lane Cove Valley Nature Walk - Fungi, Slime Moulds, Orchids and
More - 5 February 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections.

Above - Bonnet Orchid - Cryptostylis erecta

Above - Bonnet Orchid - Cryptostylis erecta

Above - Entoloma hochstetteri

Above - Powerful Owl - Ninox strenua (I spotted its
droppings first - white splotches of its urine, and looked up and
saw this nice creature)

Above - Clavulinopsis sulcata

Above - Clavulinopsis sulcata

Above - Marasmius elegans

Above - Amauroderma rude

Above - Coltricia cinnamomea

Above - Slime mould - perhaps Stemonitopsis sp

Above - Slime mould

Above - This was a large bright jelly fungus growing on wood. It is
one I am not familiar with, but it reminds me of Guepinia
helvelloides that I saw in Europe last year, but that was
browner in colour

Above - Clavaria alboglobospora

Above - The Lane Cove River

Above - Clavulina cinera

Above - Flannel Flower - Actinotis helianthi

Above - Sundew - Drosera spatulata

Above - Bolete

Above - Slime mould

Above - Bonnet Orchid - Cryptostylis erecta

Above - Grevillea sp

Above - Bolete

Above - A strange small fungi - it was well inside a cave. Perhaps Amanita

Above - Marasmius elegans

Above - Perhaps Russula sp ?

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Hyacinth Orchid - Dipodium variegatum
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