Mill Ck (Hawkesbury River) - Fungi - 16 May 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections. Thanks to Ray and
Elma Kearney for help with some of the id's.
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The photos are continued on this page.
This was a field study organised by the Sydney
Fungal Studies Group Inc.

Above - Gymnopilus junonius

Above - Macrolepiota dolichaula

Above - Macrolepiota dolichaula

Above - Lycoperdon scabrium

Above - Lycoperdon pyriforme

Above - Lycoperdon pyriforme

Above - Russula lenkunya

Above - Old coral fungi, Perhaps - Clavulina cinera

Above - Lycoperdon pyriforme

Above - Amanita ochrophylloides

Above - Geastrum fornicatum

Above - Aging Cortinarius archeri

Above - Russula persanguinea

Above - Cortinarius archeri

Above - Trichoglossum hirsutum

Above - Galerina sp

Above - Cortinarius archeri

Above - Cortinarius austrovenetus

Above - Leotica lubrica

Above - Aleurina ferruginea

Above - Ramaria anziana

Above - Perhaps Cortinarius sp or Dermocybe kula?

Above - Orchid - Acianthus sp

Above - Ramaria anziana

Above - Hygrocybe auratiopallens

Above - Hygrocybe auratiopallens

Above - Aleurina ferruginea

Above - Leotica lubrica

Above - Ramaria anziana
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