Mt Wilson - Fungi - 24 June 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
This was a visit to the Waterfall Reserve at Mt Wilson with the Sydney
Fungal Studies Group Inc.

Above - Hypholoma fasciculare

Above - Perhaps Hygrocybe polychroma

Above - Entoloma sp

Above - Hypholoma fasciculare

Above - Hypholoma fasciculare

Above - Fomitopsis lilacinogilva (thanks to Gregg Cook for
the id)

Above - Perhaps Hydnum sp

Above - Clavulinopsis amoena

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Hygrocybe aurantipes

Above - Ophiocordyceps robertsii

Above - Isaria cicadae

Above - Isaria cicadae

Above - Isaria cicadae and its host - a cicada nymph

Above - Lycoperdon pyriforme

Above - Hericium coralloides

Above - Lycoperdon perlatum

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Perhaps Involutus sp and Clavaria zolligeri

Above - Clavaria zolligeri

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Gliophorus chromolimoneus

Above - Gliophorus chromolimoneus

Above - Gliophorus chromolimoneus

Above - Gliophorus chromolimoneus

Above - Hygrocybe erythrocrenata

Above - Cordyceps gunnii

Above - Cuphophyllus virgineus

Above - Gliophorus pseudograminocolor

Above - Clavulinopsis fusiformis

Above - Clavulina cristata

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe collucera

Above - Hygrocybe anomola var anomola

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Antrodiella zonata

Above - Galerina sp

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Calocera sp

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