Newington Armory Fungi - 30 March 2019
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
This was a field activity of The Sydney Fungal
Studies Group Inc.
Thanks to Ray and Elma Kearney, Kerry Millichamp, Roy Halling, Gemma
Williams, Pam O'Sullivan and Peter Woodard for id suggestions.

Above - Marasmius sp.

Above - Chlorophyllum molybdites

Above - Rigidoporus sp.?

Above - Amanita marmorata

Above - Marasmius sp.

Above - Pisolithus sp. (Puffball)

Above - Perhaps Amanita sp.

Above - Bolete, Perhaps Tylopilius sp.

Above - Polypore

Above - Scleroderma sp.

Above - Amanita sp.

Above - Trametes coccinea

Above - Tylopilus sp. (Boletus haedinus)

Above - Ergot (Claviceps sp.) infected paspalum

Above - Golden Orb Spider

Above - Polyporus arcularius (Lentinus arcularius)

Above - Schizophyllum commune

Above - Katydid that has just moulted - with old shell

Above - Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog - Litoria falax

Above - Agaricus sp.

Above - Panus fasciatus

Above - Panus fasciatus

Above - Golden Orb Spider

Above - Dacryopinax spathularia

Above - Blue staining boletes

Above - Blue staining boletes

Above - Blue staining bolete

Above - Amanita ochrophylla

Above - Agaricus xanthodermus (Yellow Stainer)

Above - Agaricus xanthodermus (Yellow Stainer)

Above - Brachychiton rupestris (Queensland Bottle Tree)

Above - Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog - Litoria falax

Above - Oudemansiella gigaspora

Above - Munitions narrow gauge railway

Above - Lots of spiders!
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