Sassafras Gully - Springwood - Fungi and Slime Moulds - 14
February 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections.
On this visit, I started from Faulconbridge, and walked down the
Victory Track to Sassafras Gully. Then I walked up the Sassafras
Gully Track in the direction of Sassafras Gully Road a short
distance before returning and continuing along to the Lagoon and the
junction with Glenbrook Creek. My exit route was via Magdala Creek
and Fairy Dell.
Victory Track

Above - Discinella terrestris

Above - Slime mould - Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa

Above - Austroboletus lacunosus

Above - Austroboletus lacunosus

Above - Russula viridis

Above - slime mould

Above - slime mould - Badhamia utricularis

Above - Clitocybula sp

Above - slime mould - Arcyria obvelata

Above - Perhaps Entoloma sp

Above - slime mould - Fuligo septica

Above - Aleurina ferruginea
Sassafras Gully Track

Above - Perhaps - Clavulina subrugosa

Above - Ramaria sp

Above - Ramaria sp

Above - Ramaria sp

Above - Trogia sp

Above - Trogia sp

Above - Gomphus sp

Above - Gomphus sp

Above - Cyptotrama asprata

Above - Perhaps - Phlebia sp

Above - Russula lenkunya

Above - Hygrocybe miniata

Above - this one is growing on top of an old fungus. Perhaps - Postia

Above - Cystolepiota sp

Above - Amauroderma rude
Track to Perch Ponds

Above - Perhaps - Sistotrema confluens

Above - Perhaps - Sistotrema confluens
Magdala Creek Track

Above - slime mould

Above - Perhaps - Hydnellum sp

Above - Perhaps - Hydnellum sp

Above - Perhaps - Hydnellum sp

Above - Perhaps - Hydnellum sp

Above - Perhaps - Hydnellum sp

Above - Cantharellus concinnus

Above - Cantharellus concinnus

Above - Boletellus emodenis

Above - Cantharellus concinnus

Above - Mountain Dragon

Above - a very tiny white species growing on a bank

Above - Boletellus emodenis

Above - yabbie hole on the bank of the creek

Above - Inocephalus virescens

Above - Inocephalus virescens

Above - Mycena sp

Above - Clavulinopsis sulcata
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