Sassafras Gully Fungi and Slime Moulds - 5 March 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 1 of 2
The photos are continued on this page.
Above - Amanita farinacea
Above - Austroboletus lacunosus
Above - Trogia sp
Above - Trogia sp
Above - Slime mould
Above - Slime mould
Above - Slime mould
Above - Hymenoscyphus sp
Above - Entoloma panniculus
Above - Inocybe austrofibrillosa
Above - Amparoina spinosissima and another small fungus
growing on a gall (I saw the same white fungi growing on quite a few
galls like this at different places along the gully)
Above - Slime mould - Fuligo septica
Above - Slime mould - Acyria sp
Above - Amauroderma rude
Above - Cyptotrama asprata
Above - Amauroderma rude
Above - Bolete
Above - Amanita sp
Above - Cruentomycena viscidocruenta
Above - Austroboletus lacunosus
Above - Stinkhorn - Mutinus boninensis
Above - Stinkhorn - Mutinus boninensis (eggs)
Above - Hygrocybe miniata
Above - Hygrocybe miniata
Above - Tremella sp
Above - Tremella sp
Above - Slime mould - Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa
Above - Ophiocordyceps robertsii
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