Sassafras Gully - Springwood - Fungi - 9 July 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections.

Above - Hygrocybe collucera

Above - Hygrocybe aurantipes

Above - Hygrocybe collucera

Above - Hygrocybe collucera

Above - Hygrocybe griseoramosa

Above - Hygrocybe griseoramosa

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe astatogala

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Probably Trichoglossum hirsutum

Above - Probably Trichoglossum hirsutum

Above - Plectania campylospora

Above - Trichoglossum hirsutum

Above - Hygrocybe chromolimonea

Above - Hygrocybe virginea

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe collucera

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe pseudograminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - old Hygrocybe anomola

Above - Possibly Hygrocybe roseoflavida (old specimens) or
old Hygrocybe graminicolor

Above - Ramaria lorithamnus

Above - Ramaria lorithamnus

Above - Clavulina cristata

Above - fern

Above - Hygrophorus involutus

Above - fern

Above - Trogia aff. staminea

Above - Trogia aff. staminea

Above - Hygrocybe griseoramosa

Above - Perhaps Trogia sp

Above - Porpolomopsis lewelliniae

Above - Hibbertia sp

Above - Hydnum repandum

Above - Orchid

Above - Cantharellus concinnus

Above - Entoloma sp

Above - Hydnum repandum

Above - Ramaria lorithamnus

Above - Greenhood orchid - Pterostylis sp

Above - Greenhood orchid - Pterostylis sp
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