New Zealand - 2015
Motatapu Track - 10 -12 February 2015
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Wendy, Dave

Above - Late afternoon at Queenstown - Lake Wakatipu and the Eyre
We travelled to Wanaka and then started on the track. On the first
afternoon, we walked to the first hut - Fern Burn Hut. The enxt day
- we climbed over Jack Hall Saddle and descended to Highland Creek
Hut. On that afternoon, we left our gear in the hut and walked to
the next highpoint and then returned to the hut. On the third day -
we returned along the track, back over the saddle and
back down the Fern Burn.

Above - Wendy walking up the Fern Burn near the start of the track.
Not long after this the tarck went through a pleasant band of Beech

Above - Further up the Fern Burn

Above - Looking back

Above - Fern Burn Hut

Above - Wendy in Fern Burn Hut

Above - The Fern Burn near the hut

Above - Next morning, a helicopter dropped in - looking for an
injured tramper.

Above - Wendy on the track

Above - Approaching Jack Hall Saddle (1267 m)

Above - Other trampers

Above - Wendy nearly at the saddle

Above - Prasophyllum colensoi (Common Leek Orchid) - lots
of these were growing near the saddle.

Above - Looking ahead (south) from Jack Hall Saddle

Above - Looking back at the Fern Burn

Above - Wendy on the way down - very steep!

Above - Other trampers coming up

Above - Wendy continuing down

Above - Highland Creek Hut - where we spent our second night

Above - Looking down Highland Creek. We walked on to the mountain
just left of the middle

Above - Wendy - just visible on the small mountain

Above - Highland Creek

Above - Dawn

Above - Wendy walking back up the steep hill to Jack Hall Saddle

Above - We meet some ther trampers coming down

Above - Walking down the Fern Burn

Above - near Fern Burn Hut

Above - Back at Wanaka - we have a nice meal
Continue to the next section - Otago Peninsula and Moeraki
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