Travers - Sabine Walk
Day 3 - Upper Travers Hut to Sabine Hut via Travers Saddle
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Above - Dawn. Early morning sun on Mt Travers
Above - a small creek near the hut (the very upper Travers River)
Above - Mt Travers
Above - glacial erratics? or rolled boulders? on the plain near Upper
Travers Hut
Above - close up of the flower head of a spaniard. The green leaves
also have very spiky tips
Above - looking up to near Travers Saddle
Above - Albert on the way up
Above - rununculus
Above - a beautiful small tarn near Travers Saddle with Mt Travers
Above - Albert at Travers Saddle
Above - Bruce, Tracy and Tony arrive at the saddle
Above - Albert and Tracy admiring the view of Mt Franklin
Above - Mt Travers
Above - Albert leaving the saddle
Above - starting down
Above - Mt Franklin
Above - Peaks at the head of the Sabine Valley
Above - the track sidles to the long scree then follows it down
Above - on the scree
Above - daisies
Above - the East Sabine River
Above - a little bit downstream - the shole river goes through a slit
gorge. The track spans the gorge with this small bridge. The river is
at least 50m below.
Above - Looking down at the river below
Above - the West Sabine River near the hut
Above - Albert taking it easy in West Sabine Hut
Above - Peaks above the river
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