Travers - Sabine Walk
Day 7 - Sabine Hut and Lake Rotoroa to Speargrass Hut
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.

Above - Lake Rotoroa

Above - a small creek

Above - this big bridge spans a small creek (at the time)

Above - jelly fungi - note the insect on the upper right

Above - some parts of the track were very well benched. Perhaps part of
an old pack track?

Above - another part of the track was duck boarded through this nice
sub-alpine sphagnum bog

Above - most of the track was through beech forest

Above - Speargrass Creek

Above - Speargrass Creek

Above - Speargrass Creek

Above - Speargrass Creek

Above - beech

Above - oleria

Above - Speargrass Hut

Above - it looks stormy outside

Above - teachers and students from Silkeborg højskole in
Denmark. This was a group of 11. Two are wearing proetction from
sandflies. They were a nice group.
Continue to Day 8 - where we climb up Speargrass Creek to Lake Angelus
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