Routeburn Track - February 1979
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.

Above - Gordon on the track

Above - Lake Mackenzie

Above - Lake Mackenzie hut

Above - in Lake Mackenzie hut

Above - Lake Mackenzie

Above - Lake Mackenzie hut - playing cards

Above - Lake Mackenzie

Above - on the way to the pass

Above - at the pass - Harris Saddle

Above - Lake Harris

Above - the track down the other side

Above - above Routeburn Falls

Above - Looking back

Above - on the way down

Above - good views

Above - looking down

Above - bad weather the next morning

Above - creeks were up

Above - on the track

Above - bridges spanned the largest rivers

Above - as soon as we got to the shelter it started to fine up

Above - waiting for the bus at the shelter
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