Lake Mungo National Park - 15 - 18 August 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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The photos are continued on page 4
These photos were taken on a road trip to western NSW and Victoria
that was organised by David Hufton. Many thanks to David for
inviting me on this wonderful trip.

Above - Back at camp, some astrophotography during a nearly full

Above - Dawn at the Mungo Lookout near the campground. This morning
we are joined by another photographer and a large group of teachers
on a spiritual pilgrimage.

Above - Back at the campground

Above - Perhaps a Nankeen Kestrel

Above - This joey was getting a bit too large for its mother's pouch

Above - Back inside the pouch - but not for long

Above - It was kicked out

Above - a type of fungus?

Above - Apostle Birds

Above - In the afternoon, we went on a very worthwhile tour of the
Walls of China. We had an aboriginal guide and she provided a
fascinating insight into the early Aboriginal history of Lake Mungo.
This is the place where the oldest cremated human remains in the
world have been found. They date back over 40,000 years. The tour
allowed us to walk up onto the lunette past the viewing platform at
Walls Lookout.

Above - Mussel shells from an old midden emerging put of the sands

Above - Higher up on the lunette, we are shown fragments of emu egg
shells from an old fireplace. The emu eggs were food usually only
eaten by tribal elders.

Above - This wombat skeleton has recently emerged from the shifting
sands. It is from a type of wombat locally extinct from Lake Mungo.

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