Barrenjoey Bushcare - 15 November 2015

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Above - Large Tongue Orchid - Cryptostylis subulata

Above - Large Tongue Orchid - Cryptostylis subulata

Above - Large Tongue Orchid - Cryptostylis subulata

Above - Looking down at the spit (tombolo) and Palm Beach from Barrenjoey

Above - Christmas Bells - Blandfordia grandiflora

Above - The lighthouse. Because the weather had been bad we worked mainly on the top near the lighthouse.

Above - Looking north to Lion Island

Above - Jelly Fungi - Calocera sp

Above - Enmoore weeding. Removing Mother of Million (Bryophyllum sp)

Above - Su Li and Brent

Above - Stu

On the day, the main weeds we removed were Lantana, Mother of Millions, Asparagus and Nightshade.

Above - Wendy

Above - Bad weather was coming!

Above - Approaching storm. We sat out the rain in the Lighthouse Keepers Cottage.

After the storm passed over, we went down to the picnic area on the spit for a BBQ lunch. (Thanks to Chuin Nee for organising this)

Above - Rainbow Lorikeets - Trichoglossus haematodus

Above - Steffy found a patch of these amazing stinkhorns (Lysurus mokusin) at the picnic area.

Above - Stinkhorn Fungus - Lysurus mokusin

Above - Stinkhorn Fungus - Lysurus mokusin

Above - Stinkhorn Fungus - Lysurus mokusin

Above - Stinkhorn Fungus - Lysurus mokusin

Above - Stinkhorn Fungus - Lysurus mokusin

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