Above - dawn - before sunrise - a large cruise ship is welcomed
into the harbour
Above - this is the main weed we were removing - Asparagus
Above - this was part of the area we had cleaned of Asparagus. We
had to work from ropes.
Above - more Asparagus Weed
Above - Stu at work
Above - late on Sunday afternoon - the ranger, Rebecca, gave us a
tour of the historic sights
Above - the Royal Powder Magazine
Above - old scowery
Above - outside the Power Magazine - the small wooden building is
a reconstruction of a convict accomodation building
Above - basic wooden bunks could sleep a dozen or so convicts
(and notice the ensuite facilities....)
Above - in the Power Magazine
Above - these octagonal plugs were designed to act as pressure
valves - in the event of an explosion they would blow out and so
save the rest of the structure
Above - an old scow - used in the old days to clean up rubbish
from the harbour
Above - this area (once covered by weeds) was where a blacksmith worked
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