Fungi of Wolli Creek (and some of the Flying Foxes)
All images © David Noble. No image can be used or any purpose
without permission.
Note - Fungi Identification - I have tried to identify
them from books and the internet. I am not an expert in this - and
probably many of my identifications are wrong. I would be grateful
if anyone picks up any errors or can identify the uncaptioned ones.
Observed - 9 April 2014 - Page 1 of 2
The photos are continued on this

Above - Puffball

Above - the same species - this one has "puffed" releasing its

Above - Mycena viscodocruenta

Above - Mycena viscodocruenta

Above - Mycena viscodocruenta

Above - Mycena viscodocruenta

Above - Mycena viscodocruenta

Above - Puffball

Above - Coral Fungi (Clavulina cinerea)

Above - Coral Fungi (Clavulina cristata)

Above - Coral Fungi (Clavulina cinerea)

Above - Coral Fungi (Clavulina cristata)

Above - Coral Fungi (Clavulina cinerea)

Above - Coral Fungi (Clavulina cristata)

Above - Coral Fungi (Clavulina cinerea)

Above - Coral Fungi (Clavulina cinerea)

Above - Coral Fungi (Clavulina cinerea)

Above - Coltricia cinnamomea?

Above - Coltricia cinnamomea?
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