Tasmania - Central Plateau Walk - 18 - 29 April 2018
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 2 of 5 - Mt Rogoona - Lake Meston - Junction Lake -
Cloister Lagoon - Chalice Lake

Above - Lake Myrtle and the peaks of The Reserve (Mt Gould to Cradle
Mtn) from Mt Rogoona

Above - Roger on Mt Rogoona

Above - Chalice Lake

Above - Fagus (native deciduous Beech - Nothofagus gunnii)

Above - Ramaria sp

Above - Ramaria sp

Above - Mayfield Flats

Above - Junction Lake

Above - The nice campsite at Junction Lake - we stopped there for

Above - Fossils

Above - Pencil Pine at Cloister Lagoon

Above - Fagus (native deciduous Beech - Nothofagus gunnii)

Above - Chapter Lake

Above - Fagus fringed exit stream from Chalice Lake

Above - Roger crossing the Lake Chalice exit stream

Above - Chalice Lake on Cathedral Mountain

Above - Mt Rogoona

Above - A misty dawn

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