Tasmania - Central Plateau Walk - 11 - 21 April 2011
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 2 - The Walls of Jerusalem
Above - cushion plants
Above - Pool of Bethesda
Above - pencil pines under the West Wall
Above - Halls Buttress
Above - my sheltered campsite under Pencil Pines
Day 5 - Walls of Jerusalem to Junction Lake
I got up early to photograph the dawn. It had rained lightly most of
the night - so I was perhaps a bit hopeful. Outside the tent it was
Above - The West Wall
Above - Halls Buttress in the mist
Above - The West Wall from the Temple
Above - King Davids Peak at the end of the West Wall
Above - From the top of the Temple - A brocken spectre started to form
Above - the brocken spectre was surrounded by a fogbow! This was an
amazing and unexpected sight.
Above - the brocken spectre
Above - Halls Buttress
Above - mist in the pencil pine forest
Continue to Page 3 - Lake Adelaide to Junction Lake
and the Traveller Range
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