Tasmania - Central Plateau Walk - 11 - 21 April  2011

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Above - fagus

Above - snowgum

Above - the Acropolis headwall

Above - some of the small fagus plants can have red leaves rather than the more typical orange autumn leaves

Above - pandani

Above - pandani grove

Above - the actual summit of the Acropolis is a separate pinnacle. It was too windy for me to climb it this visit.

Above - another spectacular pinnacle on the side of the Acropolis

Above - The Geryon

Day 9 - Side trip to The Labyrinth and Upper Pine Valley

Above - near the Parthenon - Minotaur Saddle

Above - Lake Cyane - the Labyrinth

Above - Lake Elysia

Continue to Page 7 - The Labyrinth

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