Central Plateau of Tasmania Walk - 15 - 25 January 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission
Page 1 - Higgs Track - Lady Lake - Lake Nameless - Lake Gwendy

Above - Outside Lady Lake Hut is this beautiful Patterned peat bog.
The pools are called Flarks and the Land between them are called
Strings (or Strangs)

Above - Richea scoparia

Above - Tasmanian Waratah - Telopea truncata

Above - Flarks and strings

Above - My sister and her husband walking between the flarks

Above - Flarks and strings

Above - Scoparia garden

Above - Bennetts Wallaby - Macropus rufogriseus

Above - Near Lady Lake

Above - Lady Lake

Above - Flarks

Above - Scoparia garden near Lake Weston

Above - Scoparia garden near Lake Nameless

Above - Lake Nameless

Above - Scoparia garden

Above - Cushion plants and Alpine Coral-fern (Gleichenia alpina)

Above - The beautiful alpine environment

Above - Cushion plants and Alpine Coral-fern (Gleichenia alpina)

Above - one of the many lakes on the Plateau

Above - perhaps Lichenomphalia sp

Above - More alpine lakes and tarns

Above - Pineapple Grass - Astelia alpina

Above - Cushion plants and Alpine Coral-fern (Gleichenia alpina)

Above - Lake Lexie and Mt Jerusalem

Above - Looking northwest into the area desolated by bushfires the
previous summer. It looks like some stands of pencil pines escaped
the fire, but most of the burnt areas seem to show little

Above - My camp at Lake Gwendy

Above - Lake Gwendy

Above - The Milky Way and the two Magellanic Clouds. With airglow or
perhaps a weak aurora? This photo was taken about 10:30 pm shortly
before the moon rise.
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