Central Plateau of Tasmania Walk - 15 - 25 January 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission
Page 3 - Walls of Jerusalem - Lake Ball

Above - Richea scoparia

Above - Lichenomphalia tasmanica

Above - King Davids Peak, Lake Salome and the Pool of Bethesda

Above - Looking at the peaks of the southern Reserve

Above - Lake Ball and the Pencil Pine Forest near Dixons Kingdom
(the largest remaining stand of Pencil Pines)

Above - Richea scoparia

Above - Bennetts Wallabies - Macropus rufogriseus

Above - Bennetts Wallaby - Macropus rufogriseus

Above - The Pool of Bethesda

Above - Bennetts Wallaby - Macropus rufogriseus

Above - Bennetts Wallaby - Macropus rufogriseus
I climbed onto The Temple for dusk and dawn.

Above - Me on The Temple

Above - Sunrise

Above - Halls Buttress (Solomons Throne)

Above - Lake Ball

Above - Lake Ball

Above - Lake Ball and Pineapple Grass - Astelia alpina
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