Walk Through the Reserve - April 2002
All images © David Noble. They cannot be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 2 - Pine Valley - Du Cane Range

Above - The Acropolis from Pine Valley

Above - The Geryon and Acropolis from Pine Valley
Day 8 - Pine Valley to The

Above - Martin enters the Labyrinth

Above - Fagus (deciduous beech)

Above - The Acropolis at dusk

Above - Alpengow on the Geryon
Day 9 - The Labyrinth, sidetrip
to The Geryon

Above - Dawn, The Labyrinth

Above - Dawn, The Labyrinth

Above - Fagus (native deciduous beech)

Above - View from Mt Geryon. A few moments later a big patch of mist
rolled in.

Above - Brocken spectre on the South Peak

Above - Mist of the Geryon

Above - Fagus, The Labyrinth

Above - Pandani

Above - Our second camp in the Labyrinth - near the Pool of Memories

Above - Fagus
Day 10 - The Labyrinth to Pine
Valley Hut, sidetrip to The Acropolis

Above - Martin on the track out of the Labyrinth

Above - Snowgum on the Acropolis Plateau

Above - Fungi - Pine Valley
Day 11 - Pine Valley to
Narcissus Hut

Above - Forest floor - Pine Valley

Above - Fungi
Day 12 - Narcissus to Cynthia
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