Tasmania - Frenchmans Cap Walk 25 - 28 February 2019
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.

Above - The main face of Frenchmans Cap

Above - Pandani (Richea pandanifolia)

Above - The new (April 2018) Lake Tahune Hut - where we spent the
next night. We arrived for lunch and in better weather in the
afternoon climbed to the summit of the Cap.

Above - Wendy looks down at Lake Tahune

Above - Lichenomphalia chromacea

Above - Daisies

Above - Barron Pass and nearby peaks from the summit

Above - Peaks of The Reserve and Eldon Range

Above - on the summit

Above - Wendy on the summit

Above - Eldon Bluff

Above - Lake Tahune

Above - High Dome

Above - Dawn

Above - Heading back to Barron Pass

Above - Near Barron Pass

Above - Last views of Frenchmans Cap

Above - Shrike Thrush (Thanks John Oxley for the id)

Above - Slime mould (Lycogala epidendrum)

Above - Echidna

Above - Skink

Above - Wendy on the new Dick Smith financed deviation (a nice

Above - Tiger Snake

Above - Loddon River - we camped here on our last night of the walk

Above - Yellow-throated Honeyeater

Above - Lichen

Above - The Loddon River

Above - Slime mould

Above - Wendy at the Hungry Wombat Cafe at Derwent Bridge has a well
deserved snack
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