Southern Reserve Walk - January 2006 - Part 3
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Day 5 - January 8

Above - Dawn light - from Mt Ossa

Above - Dawn light - from Mt Ossa

Above - Dawn light - from Mt Ossa

Above - Dave on a pinnacle (photo taken by Lisa)

Above - Lisa on the pinnacle

Above - Lisa on the summit of Pelion East

Above - Good balance!

Above - Richea scoparia
Day 6 - January 9

Above - Mersey River gorge

Above - Richea pandanifolia

Above - Mersey River
Day 7 - January 10

Above - Traveller Range lake

Above - Glacier scored platform on the Traveller Range

Above - Traveller Range pool

Above - Traveller Range detail

Above - Traveller Range

Above - Traveller Range pool
Day 8 - January 11

Above - Banksia maginata

Above - Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus
(Button Grass) in flower
Day 9 - January 12

Above - a baby echidna (I hope its on its way to the Labyrinth!)
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