Tasmania - Southern Reserve Walk - 21 April - 5 May 2016
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
This was a 12 day walk in the southern section of Cradle Mountain -
Lake St Clair National Park. The main purpose was to photograph
fungi and fagus (native deciduous beech). I walked up from Cynthia
Bay at Lake St Clair, to Narcissus at the north end of the lake, and
then continued to Pine Valley. With a good weather forecast I headed
up to the Labyrinth and camped there for three nights. I then headed
back to Pine Valley and spent the next five nights in Pine Valley
Hut. On the days I visited the Acropolis and explored Pine Valley
for fungi. I also spent time photographing the very beautiful
Cephissus Creek. The last three days were spent slowly walking back
down to Cynthia Bay. I then spent a day walking on tracks near
Cynthia Bay - again mainly photographing the fungi.

Page 1 - Cynthia Bay and Lake
St Clair
Page 2 - Lake St Clair - Pine
Valley (mainly fungi)
Page 3 - Pine Valley (mainy
fungi) and The Labyrinth
Page 4 - The Labyrinth
Page 5 - The Labyrinth - Pine
Valley (mainly fungi) - The Acropolis
Page 6 - Acropolis Plateau -
Pine Valley (mainly fungi) - Cephissus Creek
Page 7 - Pine Valley (mainly
fungi) - Cephissus Creek
Page 8 - Pine Valley (mainly
fungi) - Cephissus Creek - Narcissus - Lake St Clair (mainly
Page 9 - Lake St Clair
(mainly fungi) - Cynthia Bay - The Watersmeet - Platypus Bay -
Hugel River (mainly fungi)
Page 10 - Lake St Clair -
Hugel River (mainly fungi)
The fungi identifications here that I made are only amateurish - and
I would appreciate any additions or corrections.

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