Tasmania - The Overland Track - 22 - April - 1 May 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 4 of 5
Pine Valley - The Labyrinth

Above - Porpolomopsis lewelliniae

Above - Hygrocybe roseoflavida

Above - Hygrocybe roseoflavida

Above - Hygrocybe roseoflavida

Above - Perhaps Hygrocybe griseoramosa

Above - Porpolomopsis lewelliniae

Above - Phellodon niger

Above - Hygrocybe apricosa

Above - Mycena interrupta

Above - Camarophyllopsis darwinensis

Above - Hygrocybe reesiae

Above - Clavaria zollingeri

Above - Hygrocybe firma

Above - Hygrocybe sp, perhaps Hygrocybe franklinensis

Above - Conchomyces bursiformis (Thanks to Genevieve Gates
and Herman Anderson for suggesting the id)

Above - Chlorociboria aeruginascens

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Lachnum virgineum

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Clavulinopsis amoena

Above - Hygrocybe sp, perhaps Hygrocybe hypsopoda

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe firma

Above - Coral fungus growing on a log. Probably Tremellodendropsis

Above - Hygrocybe sp

Above - Hygrocybe pseudograminicolor

Above - Forest on the side of The Parthenon

Above - Deciduous Beech

Above - Lake in The Labyrinth

Above - Another photographer working in The Labyrinth

Above - The peaks of the Du Cane Range start to emerge from the mist

Above - Walled Mountain

Above - The Geryon

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