Tasmania - Central Plateau Walk - 14 - 26 April 2008
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.
Day 9 - Traveller Range - Du Cane Gap - Overland Track - Pine Valley - The Labyrinth

Above - We camped in this sheltered part on the Traveller Range - not too far from Du Cane Gap

After our long spell of cross country walking - we reached Du Cane Gap
and descended to the Overland Track - and made fast progress to Pine

Above - Some nice coral fungi near Windy Ridge

Above - We met some other walkers coming down from The Labyrinth - and
they told us they had heard that the fagus was finished. We found this
was not so. Here the view is of the Labyrinth on the left and the
Geryon and Acropolis on the right

Above - We camped near here at Lake Elysia - a beautiful spot
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