Western Arthur Range - Partial Traverse - January 1987
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission
Party - Dave Noble
I did not have much time for this walk - and went lightweight - not
carrying a tent. I carried a fly - and having good knowledge of the
range - was able to pitch it in sheltered spots.
After catching the bus to Scotts Peak dam - I walked to Junction Creek
and then up Moraine A and continued to Square Lake to camp. At Square
Lake there is a very sheltered campsite cut out of scrub amongst
boulders near the outlet of the lake - and this was good place to pitch
the fly. Also it is not far from there to climb up onto the ridge for
views - and then onto Mt Sirius for even better views.

Above - The Western Arthurs from near Mt Sirius

The next day was wet and misty - so I stayed where I was.

After the stormbound day - the next day was not much better. It was
quite misty - but as I had not much time - I set off and walked to
Haven Lake - and camped in trees near the outlet of the lake. The day
after - the weather was again poor - and I quickly left the range via
Moraine K and then walked to camp at Junction Creek.

Above - Sunset at Junction Creek
The next morning - I awoke to find the range covered with a light
dusting of snow.
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