Winter Traverse - Western Arthur Range - August 1976
All images © David Noble. Some images taken by Steve Moon. No
image can be used for any purpose without permission.
Party - Tom Williams, Steve "Moss" Moon, Dave Noble
Part 1 - Scotts Peak Dam to Lake Oberon
We hitch-hiked from Sydney to Melbourne and then caught the boat to
Devonport and then more hitching to Hobart. A few days before there had
been snow falls accross Tasmania. We stayed at Bob Graham's place in
Hobart - and he told us that he had been skiing on some of the local

Above - Moss and Tom organising food at Bob Graham's place. We
organsied with Bob to drive us to the start of the walk at Scotts Peak

Above - Dave, Moss and Tom at Scotts Peak Dam. (photo taken by Bob

Above - Moss and Tom on the Port Daevy Track

Above - At JUnction Creek - Tom and Moss surveying the range
We originally intended to walk first to Craycroft Crossing and dump
some food and attempt the Eastern Arthurs first. Then attempt the
Western Arthurs from the east.

Above - Our first campsite at Two Mile Creek
During the night we had a lot of rain - and at about 2am we noticed the
creek had risen up was flooding the tents. We quickly packed up our
stuff and picthed one of the tents higher up in the buttongrass. We
spent the rest of the night sitting in the one tent.

Above - Early next morning - Tom, not looking too happy outside the
tent. A lot of our gear was wet. We could not cross the creek - so
decided to head back to Juntion Creek and dry out in the three sided
shelter (now removed)

Above - Looking up towards Procyon Peak

Above - At the Junction Creek shelter. We spent two days waiting for
the weather to improve.
We then climbed Morraine A

Above - Tom and Moss on top of Morraine A

Above - Tom near Mt Hesperus

Above - Tom and Moss looking towards Mt Hayes from Mt Hesperus

Above - camp at Lake Cygnus

Above - Tom and Dave at the campsite. We had a very stormy night -
windy and wet. (photo S Moon)

Above - Tom looking ahead

Above - Moss and Tom near Mt Hayes

Above - Tom and Moss near Mt Hayes

Above - Mt Hayes

Above - Tom above Lake Oberon - looking towards High Moor and
Federation Peak

Above - View of Mts Procyon and Orionand Mt Anne in the far distance -
from Mt Sirius

Above - Tom and Moss on the way down to Lake Oberon

Above - After the wind of the night before - we chose a sheltered (but
muddy) campsite at Lake Oberon
Continue to Part 2 - Lake Oberon
to High Moor
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