Asgard Plateau Walk - 14-15 July 2012

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

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A week and a half ago, while camped at the Victoria Falls Lookout, I thoigh that camping high on the nearby Asgard Head would be nice. It had been a long time since I had been out on the Asgard Plateau. I walked out from Mt Victoria and had a great weekend wandering around.

The second page of photos 9from Sunday) can be found here.

I have also placed a set of photos of some of the Grose cliffs here. It may be of interest to rock climbers.

Above - pleasand woodlands near Asgard Swamp

Above - Asgard Swamp

Above - Asgard Swamp

Above - Asgard Swamp

Above - the Mackenzie Mine near Asgard Head

Above - near the mine adit is this old coke oven

Above - Burra Moko Head (with Hanging Rock) and Burra Korain Head from Thor Head

Above - rock formation - Thor Head

Above - colourful isopogon

Above - colourful plant growing in the swamp

Above - Grose Cliffs and Mt Banks

Above - Victoria Falls from Asgard Head

Above - the Grose Valley from Asgard Head

Above - Burra Korain Head

Click here to open a larger version of this panorama

Above - Dalpura Creek

Above - Grose Valley

Click here to open a larger version of this panorama

Click here to open a larger version of this panorama

Above - the Girdle of Venus (the red/blue band above the mountains)

Above - evening

Above - the Southern Cross, Pointers and the Emu

Above - the Milky Way

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