Blue Gum Forest - 80th Anniversary Walk - 1 - 2 September 2012
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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The second set of photos can be found on this page.
This was a SUBW walk from Mt Victoria out to Victoria Falls Lookout,
and then to Burra Korain Flat and the Grose River. The river was
then followed downstream to Blue Gum Forest. There, we met up with a
large group of bushwalkers celebrating the 80th anniversary of the
reservation of Blue Gum Forest.
I was joined on the walk by Robert from SUBW.

Above - Robert at Victoria Falls Lookout

Above - The Grose Valley

Above - The Silver Cascade - near Victoria Falls

Above - the Grose River at Burra Korain Flat

Above - wattle

Above - Hanging Rock. Looks like some "swingers" were there. You can
just see a person (in line with the cliff top) on the rope haging
from the end of Hanging Rock

Above - a large detached pinnacle on the northern Grose Wall

Above - Further downstream - another large detached pinnacle - the

Above - the climb - "Bunny Buckets Buttress" (18) goes right up the
middle of this photo

Above - another view of the Mirrorball Pinnacle

Above - Blue Gum Forest

Above - the marks on the Blue Gum are made by slugs - the Red
Triangle Slug. It eats mould and algae on the bark - keeping the
bark nice and clean!

Above - the 80th celebrations were held in Blue Gum Forest at the

Above - David King gave the party a traditional aboriginal welcome
and told us some interessting stories about the forest and his

Above - evening - much singing and recitations

Above - moonrise
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