Blue Gum Forest Walk - 2-4 July 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 2 of 3
The photos are continued on page 3,
and panoramas on another page.

Above - Blue Gum Forest

I headed back to Acacia Flat and had breakfast and slowly packed up.
I then headed up the track to Lockleys Pylon.

Above - At the top of the cliffline on the Lockleys Pylon Track

Above - Looking along the Grose Walls to Mt Hay Canyon

Above - Mt Hay and Margarine Ridge and the exit route from Mt Hay

Above - Day walkers

Above - Heath on Lockleys Pylon and Mt Banks

Above - The Fortress and Govetts Creek Valley

Above - The Fortress

Above - Lockleys Pylon. I camped in one of the small caves on the

Above - The Fortress cliffline

Above - Mt Hay

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