Blue Gum Forest Walk - 14-16 March 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used or any purpose
without permission.
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Note - there are quite a few photos of fungi. I have tried to
identify them from books and the internet. I am not an expert in
this - and probably many of my identifications are wrong. I would
be grateful if anyone picks up any errors or can identify the
uncaptioned ones.

Above - Tall Mycena (Mycena cystidiosa)

Above - view looking up Govetts Creek

Above - Govetts Creek

Above - Gymnopilus allantopus

Above - Pineapple Bolette (Boletellus ananas)

Above - Common Rosegill (Volvariella speciosa)

Above - Rainbow Fungus (Trametes versicolor)

Above - Collybia dryophila

Above - Pineapple Bolette (Boletellus ananas)

Above - Cortinarius abnormis

Above - Pineapple Bolette (Boletellus ananas)

Above - Leathery Goblet (Cymatoderma elegans)

Above - Sulphur Tusk (Hypholoma fasciculare)

Above - Sulphur Tusk (Hypholoma fasciculare)

Above - Ruby Bonnet (Mycena viscidocruenta)

Above - Bridal Veil Falls

Above - Pulpit Rock and the Grose Valley from near Govetts Leap

Above - Horseshoe Falls
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