Blue Gum Forest - 18-19 October 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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Above - A Blue Gum - Eucalyptus Deanei The trails on the
bark are made by Red Triangle Slugs grazing for algae - this keeps
the bark very clean looking.

Above - Blue Gum Forest

Above - Ferns (Blechnum cartilagineum) on the forest floor -
Blue Gum Forest (Thanks Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Blue Gum Forest

Above - After breakfast - all packed up and ready to head off.
Elwyn, John with Jasper, and Meri

Above - Shame!! Fireplace at Acacia Flat (which is a fuel stove only

Above - Prostanthera violacea (Thanks Chris Jonkers for the

Above - Tiger Orchid - Diuris sulphurea

Above - Chuin Nee leaving Blue Gum Forest

Above - The Grose River

Above - mouse

Above - backlit ferns

Above - Pittosporum revolutum (Thanks Chris Jonkers for the

Above - The Grose River

Above - The Grose River

Above - The Grose River

Above - Pultenaea scabra (Thanks Chris Jonkers for the id)

Above - Dillwynia sp (Thanks Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Tea Tree - Letospermum macrophyllum (Thanks
Col Gibson for the id)

Above - Prostanthera caerulea (Thanks Chris Jonkers
for the id)

Above - Pimelea linoides (Thanks to Albert Chetcuti for
genus and to Col Gibson for the species)

Above - Matchheads - Comesperma ericinum (Thanks Albert
Chetcuti for the id)
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