Blue Rocks Walk - 10 - 12 June 2017
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
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Party - Martin, Steffy Wendy, Enmoore, Keith, Susan, Michael, Dave
and we were later joined by Sophie and Anthony.

Above - the party enjoying the view of the Wolgan Valley

Above - Wolgan cliffs

Above - The pagoda complex of Mt McLean

Above - Wendy enjoys the view

Above - At McLeans Pass

Above - Pantoneys Crown and the Capertee Valley

Above - Pantoneys Crown

Above - Walking on the tops

Above - Looking towards Point Cameron

Above - We have lunch out of the rain (just) in this long narrow

Above - We camp in a cave below these pagodas

Above - Our cave

Above - Climbing the Domes

Above - Stropharia semiglobata - a fungus that grows on dung

Above - The ridge on the way to Pantoneys Crown had a strange
ecosystem - Native pines with a red fungus on their bark and the
ground was covered in coral lichen.

Above - Climbing the pass at the north end of Pantoneys Crown

Above - Signing the summit logbook

Above - Mt Dawson

Above - Baal Bone Point

Above - Looking back at The Domes and Point Cameron

Above - Enmoore gets some water from a rockpool near our campsite
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