Blue Rocks Walk - June Long Weekend 8-10 June 2013
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission
Page 1 of 3 - Day 1 - Saturday
The images are continued on this page
and then on this page
Party - John, Chuin Nee, Jasper, Digi Dave, Martin, Rob, Dave N
This was an out and back trip along the Wolgan/Capertee Divide. We
set up a base camp not far past the Exploded Pagoda - and did side
trips on day 2 and 3.

Above - on the way out - John, with Jasper, Chuin Nee, Digi Dave,
Rob and Martin - looking towards Donkey Mountain in the Wolgan

Above - fungi

Above - McLeans Gap

Above - Capertee cliffs

Above - Pantoneys Crown

Above - admiring the view

Above - looking towards the Domes -which we visited on day 3

Dusk - from near the Exploded Pagoda

Above - Jasper admires the great view

Continue to Day 2
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