Bruce's Walk (Eastern Section) - 23 July 2018
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Bob, Dave
We walked the eastern half of Bruce's Walk, from Wentworth Falls to

Above - We check out this old grave near Wentworth Falls Station

Above - Bob on the first part of the track

Above - View down to Burgess Glen

Above - Shelter Cave in Burgess Glen

Above - Just below the creek crossing the creek drops down a short
waterfall into a section of canyon.

Above - The track follows ledges to a break in the cliffs

Above - looking down to Podgers Glen

Above - Bob on the first of three ladders (there was a fourth ladder
on the other side)

Above - Podgers Glen

Above - Creek on the way up to Lawson Cave Falls

Above - Lawson Cave Falls

Above - nearby is this small cave

Above - View north from Kent Road firetrail - looking at Mt Banks,
Mt Hay and Mt Tomah
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