Curra Moors - Curracurrang Walk - 2 March 2017

All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose without permission.

Party - Wendy, Dave

Above - Two very large boletes - probably Phlebopus marginatus

Above - Austroboletus lacunosis

Above - Blandfordia nobilis

Above - Copper Tailed Skink

Above - Eagle Rock at Curracurrang

Above - This photos shows two of the three large waterfalls along this section of the coastal cliffs

Above - Curracurrang Creek flows over this double waterfall

Above - The waterfall where Curra Brook flows over the cliff

Above - Further south is the third big waterfall

Above - Cantherellus concinnus

Above - Boletellus obscurecoccineus

Above - Boletellus obscurecoccineus

Above - Burrowing Frog

Above - Bolete with another fungus

Above - Boletes

Above - Amanita sp

Above - Leucocoprinus fragilissimus

Bola Creek -

On the way back, we had a short visit to Bola Creek.

Above - Filoboletus manipularis

Above - Probably Hemimycena sp

Above - Not good!!! The area on the left was habitat for a group of very rare fungi. It has now been bulldozed. This is at Bola Ck.

Above - this area was habitat for a group of orchids. It has been bulldozed!

Above - Leucocoprinus fragilissimus

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