Donkey Mountain Walk - 27 - 28 June 2009
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Page 3

Above - John and Rob exploring

Above - Chuin Nee photographing

Above - Pagodas

Above - This chasm looks interesting

Above - Enmoore and Stu look in

Above - A nice fungi

Above - Martin and Steffy find a plane crash - but it is only bits of a
model plane

Above - Fungi

Above - We walk back along the top to the south west end of the
mountain, close to where we came up

Above - Wendy - always looking cool

Above - Scrambling down near the end

Above - It starts raining - and we seek shelter in this cave for lunch

Above - Not interested in lunch(!!!) Martin heads off and climbs this
high pagoda. Is he looking to see if the approaching storm is a thunder

Above - The high pagoda

Above - The lunch cave

Above - Chuin Nee has some salad

Above - And Wendy has a cup of tea and some cake

Above - More rain comes our way

Above - Sunbeams in the rain

Above - Wolgan cliffs

Above - Looking back along Donkey Mountain from the big pagoda at the
south west end

Above - Another slot on the last big pagoda

Above - Back down at the road - looking back up at the big pagoda

Above - Another part of Donkey Mountain from the road.
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