Donkey Mountain Walk - 28 - 29 May 2011
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.

Above - Rik explores this narrow passage

Above - Chuin Nee fits through it too. It is a tight squeeze!

Above - Rob

Above - the next section is wider

Above - and we can climb out via this short drop

Above - Rob climbing up into the Spectacle Chamber

Above - Chuin Nee and Rob admire the Spectacle Chamber

Above - more exploring - on the tops

Above - Rik on the Dragons Head formation

Above - high above an eagle flies over Wendy

Above - Wendy shows us the next route to explore

Above - More narrow passage

Above - we arrive back in our camping chamber and pack up

Above - pagoda daisy

Above - scrambling on the pagodas

Above - approaching storm
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