Epping - Devlins Creek - Great North Walk - Hornsby - 19 July
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Bob, Dave

Above - On the track down Devlins Creek

Above - Rubbish in Devlins Creek

Above - Walking up the Lane Cove River valley

Above - Puffballs

Above - Hydnum repandum

Above - Ramaria lorithamnus

Above - Hydnum repandum

Above - Hydnum repandum

Above - Hydnum repandum

Above - Cortinarius rotundisporus

Above - Ramaria lorithamnus

Above - Ramaria lorithamnus

Above - Leucopogon sp

Above - On the track below Westleigh

Above - Berowra Creek Valley

Above - Laccaria masoniae

Above - Cortinarius rotundisporus

Above - Cortinarius sp

Above - Cortinarius austrovenetus

Above - The Spa on Waitara Ck

Above - The Spa on Waitara Ck

Above - Waitara Ck

Above - You use this to swing into the pool.....

Above - Waterdragon

Above - Berowra Ck

Above - Blue Gum Forest

Above - On the fire trail to Hornsby

Above - On the historic heritage steps (which are being rebuilt)

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