Evans Lookout - Clifftop Track - Braeside Track - Grand Canyon
Walk - 7 june 2018
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
Party - Bob, Dave

Above - Looking down to the Grose Valley from near Evans Lookout

Above - The Grose Gorge

Above - Pulpit Rock and Mt Banks

Above - Scribbly Gum

Above - Govetts Leap

Above - View from Govetts Leap Lookout

Above - The NPWS were undertaking helicopter operations in Popes
Glen - so we could not continue to Pulpit Rock

Above - Govetts Leap

Above - Blue Mountains Ash

Above - an old Railway water supply dam on Braeside Creek. Used for
water for steam locomotives.

Above - Hypholoma brunneum

Above - Looking down into the Grand Canyon

Above - Ferns, on the track back to Evans Lookout

Above - The Fortress from Evans Lookout

Above - Crimson Rosellas
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