Gardens of Stone - 29 August - 1 September 2014
All images © David Noble. No image can be used for any purpose
without permission.
This was an activity organised by the Colong Foundation. Most
of the sites we visited are not protected by national park.
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The photos are continued on page 2
and page 3
Holts Heaven

Wolgan Falls

Pagoda Land

Above - Yuri Boloton shows us some nice pagodas

Above - Chuin Nee, Keith and Daisy admire the view

Temple of Doom

Above - Yori Boloton on the Temple of Doom

Cape Horn

Above - The Milky Way
We camped for two nights near Cape Horn

Above - Dawn - looking down the Wolgan Valley towards Donkey

Walk to McLeans Pass

Above - Gordian Knot Rock

Above - Pagoda Daisy (Leucochrysum graminifolium)

Above - Cliffs of the Wolgan Valley

Above - a complex of pagodas near Mt McLean

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